In this post, I have compiled all my British slang into a story. See if you can translate!
At about half-eight, I walked into form. Suddenly, one of my mates said, "Oh no, you have some crumbs on your jumper!" It must have been from my crumpet this morning.
What a kerfufle! I hurriedly brushed them into the bin so I wouldn't look like a chav. Then, I looked around for Miss. She wasn't there, and there wasn't a cover, so a few students decided to go bunking off. Another group of students who stayed turned on the telly, but all that was on was adverts. Some of the A-star students were revising for their GCSE's. I checked my timetable. All I had was maths for first period, so after form was over, I went down the corridor to my classroom.
I sat down and pulled out my excersise book. Maths class was intense. For our daily revision, we calculated the area of a trapesium. After that was sorted, we moved on to the bit where we check our homework. We practised some indices and surds for a while, and then we moved on to calculating the gradient of a line.
"Okay, so what would be the gradient of a horizontal line?" Asked the teacher.
"Wouldn't it be naught?" I answered.
"That's correct!" she said, and wrote it on the board. But despite my correct answer, the teacher set twenty problems for homework!
When the bell rang, the teacher called me over.
"I just wanted to tell you that you got an A-star on your mocks! See you tomorrow!"
"That's brilliant! Cheers, Miss!" I said, and left for my second hour class, which passed uneventfully. After second period, we had our morning break.
Some students went to go queue at the canteen, but I just grabbed a snack from my locker and went straight to the dining hall. I got out a carton of squash and some biscuits to eat. One of my mates started ranting about how they raised the price of chips to two quid and forty p. I agreed that it was a ridiculous price, and went to go throw my rubbish in the bin. I stopped by the water closet to wash my hands, and then went to my third class.
It was just RE, so my mates and I didn't really pay attention, and spent the whole time putting my hair in plaits. The next class was PE, so I ran and got my kit out of my locker. I quickly put on my trainers for class. We were playing football outside, so I also put on some tracksuit trousers and a jumper.
After PE and lunch, we had future skills class, where we talked about applying for the Sixth Form.
Finally, it was the end of the day! I went up to Town Centre to do a bit of shopping, then met some of my mates at the cinema to see the latest film. I went home for dinner, where my mum had prepared yorkshire pudding with pulses on the side. I finished the washing up, and went to bed at around half nine. Cheerio! :)
Beth! It's Lauren. I'm following you! I love this post. Have you seen the british Skins? This reminds me so much of that show, except without the PG-13 rating. ha!